Bürgerservice A - Z

Sachsens Service-Portal - Amt 24

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Registration of a main or second residency

General information

A person who moves to a new apartment and was registered in another town before, has to register him- or herself at the registration office within 14 days after moving in.
In case of moving within the municipality, a re-registration is sufficient.

Legal bases

German Federal Citizens´ Registration Act (Bundesmeldegesetz, BMG)


A certification from the lessor has to be presented for the registration.

Delayed registration (transgression of the registration period of 14 days) may be punished by an exemplary fine or a penalty fee. In case of violating against the compulsory registration, difficulties will arise in case of vehicle registration, obtaining a driver´s licence, applying for a certificate of good conduct etc. The registration must be signed by the registrant. If the registration is performed by a third party, a corresponding authorisation in the original must be presented.

Processing time

Registrations are usually processed immediately.


Free of charge