Bürgerservice A - Z
Sachsens Service-Portal - Amt 24
zurück zur ÜbersichtBusiness registration (registration/re-registration/deregistration)
General information
Those who start the independent operation of a standing business or the operation of a branch office or of a dependent branch office in the town of Reichenbach or in the municipality of Heinsdorfergrund, have to notify the town of Reichenbach about this in due time. For business start-ups we recommend the websites www.vonex.de.
A notification at the competent authority is also required,
- if the company is relocated within the town of Reichenbach or the municipality of Heinsdorfergrund due to a relocation of the company,
- if the object of the business is changed,
- if the main occupation is converted to the secondary occupation,
- if the business is extended to goods or services which are not customary for business enterprises of the registered kind or
- if individual activities are abandoned.
A notification at the authority competent for the respective place also has to take place, if the independent operation of a standing business or the operation of a branch office or of a dependent branch office is given up. Furthermore, deregistration is required if the company is relocated outside of the town of Reichenbach and the municipality of Heinsdorfergrund.Deregistration, however, is not required in case of an only temporary cessation of operations, if an intention for continuation exists (e. g. seasonal businesses).